Thursday, February 20, 2020

Pardon Me

I keep waiting for Trump to be chastened by the aftermath impeachment.  I don't expect him to stop acting like an autocrat, but I do expect enough people to to be so outraged that it actually affects his standing in the polls.  But Trump's approval rating is actually holding steady and in some cases ticking upward, and even his recent pardons apparently won't have a detrimental effect on his Presidency.  He commuted the prison sentence of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, who'd been serving time for trying to sell President Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat, and set him free early, and he also pardoned his fellow eighties robber baron Michael Milken for violating securities laws and pardoned former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik for ethical violations. He gave pardons to eight other individuals, too.  Trump's message is this: If you're guilty as sin of a crime, and he likes you - or if he doesn't like Obama and your special crime adversely affected the forty-fourth President - you get out of jail free.  Like Roger Stone, who is expected to be sentenced today.
And if you're railroaded and he doesn't care about you, well . . . 
Justice is blind, but I sure hope it ain't deaf.  Because these transgressions are screaming for retribution against Trump,.  Something has to be done.  Right now, the only thing that can be done is elected a Democratic President in November, and at this point, at this writing . . . I don't think that's going to happen.
Justice in America . . . :-(  

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