Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Gambling On Nevada

Joe Biden is gambling on Nevada to turn around his struggling presidential campaign.  Bernie Sanders is gambling on Nevada to propel him to true front-runner status.  And the Democratic National Committee is still gambling on Nevada to, unlike Iowa, get its caucuses right.

Yeah, about that . . .
Nevada has been having early voting in its caucuses, which is sort of contradictory to how a caucus system works - you have to go to a meeting and stick around for a few hours, with, I assume, refreshments provided.  There's been a lot of enthusiasm in the early voting, but it's led to a problem with how the votes are going to be tabulated district by district when the actual caucus meetings are held this coming Saturday.  The system that caucus organizers have to sort everything out may need some sorting out itself, and the process, while different from Iowa's, could be just as messy if not worse.  We might not know who comes in second in Nevada - because we all know Sanders is going to win, right? -  until the South Carolina primary is held a week later.    
After all of the crass mistakes the Democratic National Committee made in 2016, the folks at the DNC have vowed not to make the same old mistakes.  Now it appears they're making new ones,
Oh yeah, Mike Bloomberg qualifies for this evening's Democratic debate in the first multiracial state to hold a primary or a caucus this year.  And he will be on that debate stage.  Must-see TV!

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