Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Slouching Into the 2020s

Were they the twenty-tens or the twenty-teens?  Ah, who cares?  And even though the 202nd decade of the Christian calendar doesn't end until next December 31 (because there was no year zero to start the calendar), any ten years make a decade, so yeah, let's mark the turn of another ten-year period!
The 2010s, as I noted here before, were a disaster for America.  At the beginning of January 2010, I thought we were heading into a newer and better era, what with having a black President and all, especially a black President who was about to reform health care and give us high-speed rail, but now we have a Reagan-era celebrity who, like Reagan himself, wants to take us back to a less civilized and less advanced time and has a strong base eagerly supporting him for it.  The last four decades have been a disappointment for anyone in These States who believes in progress; even if Trump somehow loses his bid for a second term, chances are a fifth decade will be a disappointment for progress as well. 
I end 2019 and the twenty-teens (that's what I call them) on a sour note.  I've had some unexpected setbacks that are too personal to delve into here, but I'm sure I'll turn things around soon.  I have to.  Things have been off the rails for me for so long that they have to get back on track.
At least I still have my VW - all fixed up after constant stalling - and my satellite radio subscription.  Without either, I'd go crazy driving a Japanese car and listening to terrestrial radio.  Ring out the old.

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