Friday, November 4, 2011

Weekend Hiatus

It's already November 4, and I've done nothing on this blog this month so far but report that I'm back online, I'm back offline, and I'm, as of now, back online again.  Power was restored to my house yet again after a second blackout struck yesterday morning.
I suppose I should get back up to speed and comment on Herman Cain's campaign follies, everything Congress is not doing to help the economy, and all that rot.  The truth is, I'm pretty much emotionally and physically spent after the events of the week just passed, so, since tomorrow is my birthday, I'm going to take the weekend off from blogging.  I'll give everyone the gory details of what happened during the storm in a post on Monday, then I'll try to catch up to commenting on the news.  But for now, I need a break. 
In the meantime, enjoy my latest Music Video Of the Week.    

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