Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You Can't Do That

The timing of the operation that killed Osama bin Laden couldn't have come at a better time for the United States, because it showed, as President Obama said, that we are capable of doing anything we set our minds to.
Meanwhile, this past Friday, the space shuttle Endeavour failed to blast off as scheduled, and it is now being reported that an electrical problem in a power distribution box in the shuttle's engine compartment is the culprit. NASA has concluded that the launch will be delayed until this coming Sunday (May 8) at the earliest, and it could be delayed far beyond that. Meanwhile, in Britain, the royal wedding went off flawlessly on the same day the space shuttle launch didn't.
But Steve, you're saying, you can't compare the two, it's like apples and oranges! A royal wedding isn't rocket science!
Oh, yeah? You ever try to plan one of those things? Did you even try to plan a family wedding? Ever see the series "Providence?"
So don't be surprised if people keep talking up the bin Laden killing, if only to make people forget about the space shuttle launch.
Ironically, President Obama declared that bin Laden was killed eight years to the day after George Walker Bush declared "mission accomplished" after the Iraqi military government fell . . . before a seven-year war in Iraq and after Osama bin forgotten.

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