Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Computer

You'd think getting a new computer would be a wonderful experience, what with hooking it up and all that. Well, we just got a new computer today, and the setup has been anything but a wonderful experience. My mother and I had trouble figuring it out how to set it up, the keyboard is so difficult to navigate that I keep hitting the Caps Lock button when I don't want to - like when I try to type the letter "A" - I can't get the keyboard to stay up, it's been difficult to re-instate all the programs from our old PC, and I've made a mess trying to get everything set up and tested so that it all works right.
And I still have to clean up messes in other rooms.
Buying a new car was easier . . . because I know how to use a car. With all the wires to connect and the tech support calls to make (three of them), it's a wonder my mother and I haven't killed each other. When two people try to install and set up a PC in a cramped corner of a cramped room . . . well, let's say I prefer taking my mom out for a drive.
Oh well, I like the new wireless mouse, anyway.

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