Saturday, April 2, 2011

False Weather Alarm

So it didn't snow yesterday where I live after all. No, I'll qualify that. It did snow a bit around eleven o'clock in the morning or so, but nothing stuck. It was mostly a cold rain.
So what happened? Well, the forecast was no April Fool's joke. As the nor'easter got closer it looked like it would dump snow in northern New Jersey, but as the track of the storm became clearer and as the forecasts were revised, it became obvious that it wouldn't amount to much if anything for most of us. The winter storm warning for Morris County was downgraded to a winter weather advisory, and the winter weather advisory for Essex County was canceled Thursday night.
So much of New Jersey dodged a bullet. The heaviest snow from this April storm fell in Massachusetts and Maine. The center of Massachusetts was hit fairly hard. But here the storm wimped out. Today has been very pleasant.
New Jersey isn't out of the woods yet. Some thundershowers and wind storms are moving across the country and are expected to hit New Jersey Tuesday morning. Welcome to April, the cruelest month.

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