Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winter Break

It's been rather mild these past few days in the American Northeast, and snow that's been on the ground since the turn of the year has finally melted. Trouble is, it's supposed to get down to the low thirties (Fahrenheit) in my neck of the woods, with a couple of inches of new snow in the forecast. But I think there may be light at the end of the wintry tunnel, as temperatures are expected to recover later on.
Punxsutawney Phil, the esteemed Pennsylvania groundhog, didn't see his shadow this past February 2, indicating an early spring. That little rodent might just be right. :-)
But if we are getting an early spring, the past couple of days have only been a sneak preview. For now, the break from winter is over.
Back with more miscellaneous musings later.

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