Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Here's The Story Of a Man Named Bobby

Bobby Jindal makes me nervous.
I found it disturbing that the Louisiana governor, a "Brady Bunch" fan as a boy, got his nickname from identifying with Bobby, the youngest Brady brother. Anyone who remembers the original "Brady Bunch" series, in addition to knowing how badly people dressed in the seventies, know that while Greg was the thoughtful, intellectual Brady brother and Peter was the clever, inventive one, Bobby was the devious bullcrap artist who got himself into more trouble than necessary. In one episode, he did just that, when he was a crossing guard, and ruined his good suit. Bobby said he learned three things from his experience - never to abuse your authority, always listen to the other side of the story, and the most important thing of all - never put a whole box of laundry detergent in a washing machine! :-O
I shudder at the idea of such a person - Jindal - with the nuclear missile codes. He even demonstrated his inability to understand the importance of government and science when he ridiculed spending on volcano monitoring - even as, as Keith Olbermann noted, Mount Redoubt near Anchorage, Alaska is in an ongoing state of eruption right now, spewing rock that could hit a car several miles away.
I hope it doesn't blow like Carol Brady's washing machine.
I wonder if Alaska's governor, noted book-banning wolf killer Sarah Palin, can see that from her house? :-D

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