Thursday, May 15, 2008

Late Night Schmuckery

Speaking of humiliations, comedians funnier than Jimmy Fallon - i.e., most of them - must have been embarrassed to learn that the former "Saturday Night Live" cast member is taking over from Conan O'Brien as the host of NBC's "Late Night" when O'Brien moves from there to take over "The Tonight Show" from Jay Leno next year.
So what's wrong with Fallon? Well, for starters, he's a schmuck. Also, his idea of being funny is hyperventilating. Then, he's so annoying that when he appeared with Dana Owens (Queen Latifah to you, ofay!) in a movie, he actually deserved to serve as her punching bag. Then, of course, there was his stint at anchoring the "Weekend Update" segment of "Saturday Night Live," where he made his name demonstrating a chronic inability to handle a fake news segment lasting only five to ten minutes.
Did I also mention that he's a schmuck?
As "Late Night" is opposite Craig Ferguson on CBS after midnight, Fallon should be no greater a threat to Ferguson than the makers of sleeping pills.

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