Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Conductor With Semi-Conductors

Perhaps the scariest thing I saw in the paper today was this report from Detroit, and it had nothing to do with crime, drugs or Kwame Kilpatrick.
A humanoid robot called ASIMO (for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) conducted the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.
The ASIMO robot was programmed to mimic the orchestra's education director and led the ensemble to play "The Impossible Dream" from Man of LaMancha. Which makes sense, since the exercise was so quixotic. The idea of a robot conducting and leading humans, though, was scary. It made me realize that machines might very well one day control humanity and be beyond our own control.
But here's the kicker: The ASIMO robot was designed and built by Honda.
So there's the ultimate humiliation for Detroit: Its symphony orchestra is being conducted by a robot built by a Japanese automobile company!
The power of nightmares.

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