Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Gore In 2008. NOT!

One more reason for Hillary to be happy: Albert Gore has announced he will not run for President again - not in 2008, not in 2012 or 2016, not ever.
Gore launched a scathing attack on Bush's mishandling of the nation's affairs, the kind voters would have welcomed from him five years ago but also the kind Republicans make Democrats regret by ridiculing them for it - and the Republican National Committee propaganda machine counterattacked in this instance, too, even though they were shooting at an already mortally wounded prey.
There are those who wonder why Gore shouldn't be given another chance at the Presidency. After all, he won the popular vote in 2000. He graciously conceded when he realized the odds of keeping Florida were against him. He was very accommodating to the political process and let it work accordingly. Why, these folks ask, shouldn't he be allowed to stage a comeback after coming so excruciatingly close to the Presidency? After all, Richard Nixon was given another chance after has narrow 1960 loss.
Well, these folks just answered their own question. :-O

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