Friday, September 30, 2005

Unvirtuous Principles

If there's a good argument to be made against abortion (and as a Catholic who opposes abortion but is even more opposed to criminalizing it out of respect for the beliefs of others, I can offer some if you like!), don't expect William Bennett to make one. On his radio show yesterday morning, he proposed the possibility, one he thought was reprehensible, that aborting black babies could cut the crime rate.
Okay, Bennett says he would never advocate such a thing, but he is saying that the crime rate could be cut if more black babies were to be aborted. In other words, fewer blacks would mean less crime. This hypothesis is so viciously repugnant even the White House condemned it.
William Bennett is a hypocrite and a fraud. He talks about virtue, than it's revealed he has a gambling habit. Now he's suggesting that blacks are born criminals even as he professes to value the greatness of the gift of life. Someone shut this fat slob up already.
P.S. Bennett did succeed in letting people previously unaware of his talk radio show (like me) know that he has one. He won't have it for long! >:-(

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