Saturday, September 10, 2005

Let's Bring Back the Code of Hammurabi!

The levees meant to protect New Orleans from flood waters are finally being repaired, but I find it appalling that no effort was made to strengthen them to have them withstand Category 4 and 5 hurricanes like Katrina. (Which number was Katrina? Take your pick!) In order to rebuild them more competently in advance of the next great flood to hit Louisiana, maybe the Code of Hammurabi from the eighteenth century B.C., originally intended for dwellings, should be applied to levees as well:
If a contractor builds a house for a man and does not build it strong enough, and the house which he builds collapses and causes the death of the house owner, than the contractor shall be put to death.
If it causes the death of the son of the owner, then the son of the contractor shall be put to death.
Now there's a form of capital punishment I can get behind! :-O

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