Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Space Shuttles and the Price of Gas

So the space shuttle Discovery made it back to earth without any trouble. . . with a little damage to the underside. NASA has decided to postpone future shuttle flights until they can work out the bugs that could cause another Columbia-style disaster. . . something they probably should have done thirty years ago when they were designing it! But - NASA says it's determined - determined - to get another shuttle flight logged before the end of the year. NASA is beginning to stand for "Not Another Shuttle Attempt!" Retire the damn shuttle fleet, already. It's not worth it.
Meanwhile, gas prices are slowly creeping up to three dollars a gallon, particularly in New York City. I caught a TV reporter in Manhattan noting that this will exacerbate the already high cost of living there. Uhh, wait a minute. . . we're talking about Manhattan. . . . Do you know anyone in Manhattan who owns a car? And if so, does this Manhattanite drive his or her car every day??
Although high gas prices will affect my own wallet - the cost of living keeps going up, but my salary doesn't - I'm not particularly worried, as I drive a VW. And it will be worth it just to see those self-centered SUV owners suffer! :-D

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