Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Bush Disapproved

British Prime Minister Tony Blair met with George W. Bush today in Washington to discuss cancelling debt owed by African nations and combating global warming in advance of the Group of Eight summit in Scotland next month. Given Bush's footdragging on both issues, I wonder what Blair said to the current White House occupant? How 'bout this - "Arf! Arf! Arf!"
Meanwhile, here's some really good news: Bush's approval ratings are plummeting as a result of the Iraq quagmire, a stagnant economy, and his benighted Social Security proposals. His personal popularity is on a downward trend, and in one recent poll, a bare but solid majority of Americans - 52 percent - disapprove of the way he's doing his job, whatever his job actually is.
His approval rating is 48 percent. Think about that - no undecided respondents! Bush has certainly done a good job polarizing the nation - a majority of Americans think so too!

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