Sunday, March 13, 2005

Volunteering For Sachiyo Ito and Company

One thing going well is my relationship with Sachiyo Ito. I've been doing online research for places for her to contact regarding dance recitals and teaching workshops. She's invited me to a few scheduled events (including one I couldn't attend), and I hope to help her for an upcoming cherry blossom festival engagement in Brooklyn's Prospect Park.
One thing not going well is a blog I started documenting my experiences with her dance company, "Notes From the Dance." It seemed like a good idea at the time - start an online journal about volunteering for Ms. Ito's dance company and record what goes on. It's not working out. I expected to be involved in a whirlwind of activity - stuffing envelopes, moving props, and the like - but most of what I've done involves online research at home. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but while I have done a good deal of research for her on the Internet, it makes for a very boring - and very infrequently updated - blog. The best thing for me to do is to close the separate blog and write about my experiences with Ms. Ito here. So that's what I'm doing.

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