Thursday, March 3, 2005

This Week In God, Miscellaneous Musings Version

With apologies to "The Daily Show"'s Stephen Colbert, I'd like to offer a post on this blog looking at the leaders of two of the biggest Christian sects in the world.
Pope John Paul II seems to be recovering rather nicely from his bouts with the flu. He is currently undergoing speech therapy after his tracheotomy, even though he is in great discomfort and also has Parkinson's disease. The Pope's commitment to serving God in difficult times while he suffers personally is an inspiration to Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
Gordon B. Hinckley, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, marks the tenth anniversary of his presidency today. He's the longest serving Mormon leader since Spencer Kimball. Though Hinckley has reformed the Mormon church to some extent, he hasn't done something as radical as Kimball's great step - opening the LDS priesthood to blacks. If Hinckley wants to have a major legacy, he'd better do something about it - he's almost 95!

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