Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Fly Away, Fly Away, Fly Away Dan

Tonight is Dan Rather's swan song as anchor for CBS's evening newscast. Here's to you Dan; even though you let your network go black for six minutes, even though you denigrated TV journalism by having Connie Chung as a co-anchor, even though you tried to be cute by signing off as "Danny O'Rather" one St. Patrick's Day, and even though you got way too overexcited every time you covered a presidential election - and even though your flawed investigation of George W. Bush's Air National Guard service made the issue so toxic, no one will touch it again even though Bush still owes the country some answers - you were one of a kind and we'll never see your like again.
We hope! :-O
"Fly away, fly away, fly away home. Dan Rather reporting from New York. Thank you for joining us. Good night." - Dan Rather signing off in a peculiar manner on December 3, 1985, after a report on duck migration

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