Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Eisner Out, Iger In

Speaking of Mickey Mouse. . . . As you may have heard, Disney CEO Michael Eisner is stepping down this fall, with ABC president Robert Iger replacing him. Many feel that this will do nothing to reform Disney's overall inertia, because Iger is a longtime supporter of Eisner and likely plans to continue his agenda.
Some even question Iger's business sense. While at the Disney-owned ABC during its long, fourth-place ratings slump, he fired executives Susan Lyne and Lloyd Braun (yes, that's whom the occasional character on"Seinfeld" was named for - a classic inside joke!) for their failed strategy to emphasize sitcoms last season, yet before they were canned they'd already approved "Desperate Housewives" and "Lost" - the two hits that has put ABC into second place this season. Personally, I think Iger fired them for greenlighting the godawful sitcom "It's All Relative."

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