Friday, March 4, 2005

A Bad Italian Job

While overpaid journalists pontificate hypocritically on what a shame it is that Martha Stewart is getting out of prison with a brighter future than she had before she went in, not too many people seem to have noticed that American soldiers apparently shot a freed hostage in Iraq!
Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena had been freed from her Iraqi captors and was riding in a car toward a military checkpoint when some American soldiers attempted to signal it to stop. When the driver failed to do so, the Americans - who, obviously having seen one John Wayne movie too many, are prepared to shoot first and ask questions later - fired at the car, killing the Italian intelligence officer who negotiated Ms. Sgrena's release and wounding Ms. Sgrena herself. It is a bitter irony that we Americans, who are trying to make Iraq safe for the locals, make it dangerous for reporters.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a staunch U.S. ally, has demanded an investigation, and the people of Italy have renewed their calls for Italian troops to get out of Iraq.
What's up with our troops? We have enough enemies in the world without angering our few friends.

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