Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Some Things Just Don't Work Out . . .

It's been three months to the day since I was unceremoniously dumped from the law firm I used to work for because it "just wasn't working out," as my ex-employers put it. If only they knew how that phrase corkscrews through my subconsciousness. Too many things in my life - Boy Scouts, guitar lessons, graduate school, most of my friendships, and now two of my freelance articles - have flopped because they, well, didn't work out.
So did the fringe benefit I got when I started working at the mall. The store I got a job in gave me a 15% off coupon to use. As it was set to expire today, I went yesterday and I bought an extra pair of gloves, only to find out the coupon didn't cover it. Well, I still needed an extra pair, and the gloves were already marked down.
Just the same, I wish I could have gotten health insurance, as I don't have that. Right now I'm thinking of applying for this plan, and George W. Bush is giving me plenty of good reasons to do what I have to do to qualify for it! (Click on the link, and you'll see what I mean.)

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