Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Mary Mapes and Fate

Strange, isn't it, how a few hundred votes in Florida can change the course of history - and careers at CBS News. If Bush hadn't squeaked through to the White House in 2000, his Texas Air Guard records wouldn't have been an issue in the 2004 presidential election, and therefore producer Mary Mapes wouldn't have rushed a story using forged documents on Bush's military service. Which means Dan Rather wouldn't have presented it on the Wednesday edition of "60 Minutes." Which means Mapes and three others at CBS News wouldn't have been fired, Dan Rather wouldn't be retiring from the CBS anchor desk prematurely this March, and the Bush military record story would still be fair game for partisan investigative reporters - reporters who, I'm sure, would get the facts and the evidence straight! (Assuming, of course, anyone would still be interested in it if Bush hadn't squeaked through in 2000.)
The people do have the power - in Florida, anyway. (Jeb in 2008? :-O )

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