Thursday, January 27, 2005

Judy, Judy, Judy!

CNN senior political correspondent Judy Woodruff is getting loonier by the day. She increasingly trips over her words, and she has gotten accustomed to asking irrelevant questions. Discussing Bush's Social Security reform proposals with Representative Mel Watt (D-NC) earlier today, Woodruff ended her interview with Watt by noting that he had been studying law at Yale while the current White House occupant was an undergraduate, and she asked him if he met Bush on campus. Watt said he had not.
"Alright," said Woodruff, "I was just wondering."
Uhh, Judy? Steven Maginnis from Miscelleanous Musings here. You may have been wondering, but your viewers didn't give a darn. That said, don't you think you could have waited to ask Watt that pointless, incidental question when you were off the air? Something for you to keep in mind the next time you think of asking Condolezza Rice a nuts-and-bolts question. . . like whether or not she met Chelsea Clinton while working at Stanford! :-O

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