Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Inauguration Entertainment

I tuned into the cable news channels at the gym today, and I was completely disgusted with how CNN and MSNBC (of course, I didn't even bother with Fox News) were "covering" the impending second inauguration of George W. Bush. Instead of delving into Bush's controversial policies and agenda for the next four years, it showed live coverage of a pre-inaugural outdoor gala with performances from (gag) the Gatlin Brothers and words from (grody to the max!) Dale Earnhardt, Jr. It was the perfect example of entertainment posing as news. Tomorrow's inaugural, of course, will be pre-scripted, pre-arranged pseudo-populist claptrap with all the gag inducing that implies.
Oh yeah, While CNN and MSNBC were lapping up the pre-inaugural revelry, a report began circulating about foreign nationals allegedly on their way to Boston to set off a radiological device! :-O

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