Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Bill's Coming Back

It's going to happen. Bill Maher's HBO show will return a month from today, Friday, February 18. Maher's return was in doubt, as he was facing a lawsuit by a black woman who claimed that Maher had proposed to her and had gotten her to quit her job, only to deny ever proposing to her and make racial insults towards her. Maher dismissed the suit as ridiculous, and it certainly seemed well-timed - right on the heels of Bush's re-election victory after Maher had used his show all summer and fall to ridicule the President mercilessly. Personally, I believe the suit was, or is, bogus. While Maher would certainly date a woman outside of his own race, there are two things he'd never do:
1) Use racial or ethnic epithets against anyone, black, Hispanic or Asian, male or female.
2) Consider marriage.
I have to say, it's sad to ponder the idea of a black woman prostituting herself. Oh, I 'm not talking about this woman who's suing Bill Maher - I'm referring to Condolezza Rice at her Senate confirmation hearings to be Secretary of State! :-O

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