Friday, December 17, 2004

The Usual B.S. News

More news . . .
Seems that Bernard Kerik didn't have two wives simultaneously, but he did have two mistresses at the same time - one of which he visited in a love nest in Lower Manhattan near the World Trade Center site! This is getting creepy. And did I happen to mention Monsieur Kerik's alleged affiliation with a construction company with ties to the New Jersey mob? (Too bad he won't head the Homeland Security Department - I mean, when you have mean-spirited maniacs with twisted values planning to kill us, what better way to fight fire with fire than to get someone like Bernard Kerik as Homeland Security secretary?)
The Bush economic conference continues, with participants endorsing Bush's Social Security "reform" plans unanimously and bragging about what a wonderful economy we have. Geez, there's more robust debate at a Mormon Church conference! And, given the rise of Mormonism in Latin America and Asia, LDS church conferences tend to be more racially and ethnically diverse, too.
Donald Rumsfeld's cavalier attitude toward equipment problems at a question-and-answer meeting with tthe troops was the result of a question that a reporter helped the Tennessee state militiaman who asked it formulate. Some conservatives have charged the media with setting Rumsfeld up, but noted conservative writer William Kristol has written in the Washington Post that Rummy has a lot of nerve dodging responsibility for the problem while our troops are dodging bullets in the Middle East. Kristol has demanded that Rumsfeld step down in favor of someone better, because it's what the soldiers deserve. When you're a Republican and you have William Kristol dissing you, you know the time has come to step down.

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