Saturday, November 27, 2004

Would You Buy a New Car From This Woman?

It's official - Suze Orman is not only a fraud, she's a whore!
I always thought there was something incredibly cheery and smug about America's best-known financial expert. I always detested her lectures on PBS on how to become wealthy. This smarmy, self-centered huckster-capitalism is just the sort of thing public television was created to offer an alternative to - like, say, productions of plays written by Marxist writers and documentaries on common laborers in modern America. Orman has since gone on host a show on CNBC, where she belongs, dispensing financial advice to would-be Horatio Algers.
Now here's where her whoring comes in. My mother told me that Orman has always advised against buying new cars because they depreciate too quickly. So why, my mom and I want to know, is she shilling for General Motors in their latest television ads? :-O

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