Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Bin Laden Shouldn't Have Bin Forgotten

Somewhere between Scott Peterson's conviction in his murder trial and the Senate Republican caucus's attempt to emasculate Pennsylvania's Arlen Specter for his liberal views on abortion rights was the chilling news from a newly former CIA agent who was first interviewed on "60 Minutes" and then appeared with Chris Matthews on his show. And it made my blood run cold.
Michael Scheuer, an expert on Osama bin Laden who quit the CIA only this past Friday and anonymously wrote a book on the West's inability to capture bin Laden, has reported that the al-Qaeda leader wants to pull off an attack in the United States far greater than the September 11, 2001 attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center in New York and damaged the Pentagon. He is seeking an atomic bomb, and if he ever gets his hands on one, he plans to have it detonated here in These States! New York City, particularly Manhattan, would be an obvious target. Imagine trying to evacuate the world's most crowded island in the wake of an atomic explosion! But then Chicago, deep in the American heartland, would also be a prime choice, given that the Sears Tower is still standing, and that bin Laden would probably love to bring his jihad farther inland.
Scheuer also added that we don't give bin Laden much respect for his ability to threaten us, and until we do, we're not going to win the fight against al Qaeda.
After the Taliban were overthrown in Afghanistan, George W. Bush said of bin Laden, "I am truly not that concerned with him." He'd better be!

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