Thursday, October 7, 2004

Whole Lotta News

Lots to cover tonight, so I'll try to be brief. . . .
Dick Cheney was caught in a lie from the vice presidential debate when he insisted that he never met Senator John Edwards, his opponent, because Edwards missed so many votes in the Senate, where Cheney serves as the presiding officer. Not only has Cheney met Edwards before in the Senate chamber, they sat together once at a national prayer breakfast! This is one of several lies Cheney told the other night in Cleveland, and of course, most of them involved Iraq.
Today, of course, Weapons inspector Charles Duelper announced that Saddam Hussein destroyed all of his lethal weapons at the end of the 1991 Persian Gulf War. George W. Bush nonetheless defended his decision to go to war yet again because Saddam still harbored fantasies about amassing an arsenal of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. So we invaded Iraq not because Saddam tortured Shiite Muslims or gassed the Kurds, but because he essentially had "impure thoughts?" What is this, Catholic school? :-O
Saddam probably did have fantasies about military might, but they were just that - fantasies. Hey, I once had fantasies about dating Jennifer Connelly, but that doesn't give her husband the right to come to my house and punch my lights out.

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