Thursday, October 7, 2004

Meet Me In St. Louis

George W. Bush and John Kerry meet for their second presidential debate in St. Louis, Missouri, where they will answer questions in a "town hall style" format. Pundits give Bush the edge here because of his ability to empathize wtih voters and come off as an average guy (an average guy who just happens to belong to one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in America!). But Kerry has an advantage going into this debate because, not only did he come off as a plausible Commander-in Chief, but because many of the questions are expected to be about the economy, where Bush is at his weakest. Bush will probably try to avoid scowling like he did in last week's debate in Miami, but he's bound to screw up in entirely different and unforeseen ways tomorrow. . . if only because a lot of folks have been hurt in this "jobless recovery" and the President can't imagine how the sluggish economy of the past four years has affected the ordinary people he professes to understand.
I endorse a different kind of a jobless recovery. . . . Let's make Bush jobless, then we can have a recovery! :-D

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