Friday, October 15, 2004

I'm On "Fyre"

Some personal news now, good and bad. . . .
The bad first. I will not be getting my job back. Despite my appeal to my now-former employers, they have decided to replace me. They will, however, give me a recommendation for wherever I seek employment next. Gee, thanks a lot!
Now the good. . . . My blog is a hit! A health and wellness Web site, Prairie Fyre ( ), has selected my blog, as well as my Family Web page, as a favorite link. I found out by Googling myself. ;-) I have no idea how they found me, or what my blog (or my Family page) has to do with health and wellness. Yet the proprietors of this site have recommended my Internet work. I don't understand it.
But I like it! I like it! :-D

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