Friday, October 15, 2004

Bush Slips

Well, George W. Bush seems to have lost another debate with John Kerry. Most commentators, even those on the Fox News Channel (!), believe that Kerry was more informative, crisper, and more confident, and that Bush, despite giving the best debate performance in this campaign, didn't quite measure up.
Of course, the Republicans are trying to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by getting all incensed over the fact that Kerry mentioned in the debate that Dick Cheney's daughter Mary is a lesbian. The Vice President and his right-wing harridan of a wife complained that Kerry referred to Mary Cheney as a lesbian for "political purposes." Umm, no, Kerry called her a lesbian because that's what she is. But then, Dick Cheney is so crotchety, he would have gotten angry if Kerry had pointed out that Cheney himself is bald.
So what will happen now? Plenty. Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania are in play, Ralph Nader could still be a factor (or, if Kerry loses due to a technicality, a scapegoat), and both candidates are going to sling the mud like you'd never believe. I've never seen it this bad, and I was involved in the Dukakis campaign in the 1988 election! Stay tuned.

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