Sunday, August 15, 2004

The Continuing Story Of the 2004 Olympics

The Olympics continue . . ..
A French girl named Laure Manaudou won the women's 400-meter freestyle swimming race. That's not going to play very well out in Mission Viejo! (Oh yeah, this is the race in which Janet Evans holds the world/Olympic record, which still stands. So the French fans better not get too cocky! :-) )
Australia's Ian Thorpe was one of the first subjects of the inevitable sob stories, this one about how he got on the Australian team this year after screwing up (he literally fell in the pool before the starting gun went) and how a teammate gave up his place for Thorpe so that Australia Fare may advance. Plus, Thorpe was in New York on September 11, 2001. Is this information supposed to help us viewers somehow?
The U.S. men's volleyball team lost embarrassingly to Italy in a match today. Now both the men's and women's teams play equally poorly. Title IX was passed for this?

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