Thursday, January 15, 2004

The Latest Political News

Carol Moseley Braun just dropped out of the Democratic race and threw her support to Howard Dean. She's supporting him for reasons involving health care and economic policy. Since Ms. Moseley Braun had little support in Iowa to begin with, it's not clear how much her support for Dean will help in Iowa, where she had little backing of her own to begin with. As I write, the race is tightening among Dean, John Kerry, Richard Gephardt, and John Edwards.
Meanwhile, it looks like interest in Paul O'Neill's revelations on the Bush White House has lost steam after all, with the media instead preferring to pay attention to Bush's asinine space exploration program proposal. Everyone is thrilled with the idea of sending humans to Mars. Hey, dude, who isn't? Hey, so what if the whole thing is going to cost way too much money - money we don't have - when we need to spend more money helping folks here on earth?
And the fact that Bush had Saddam Hussein in his gun sight long before 9/11 and used 9/11 as a convenient excuse to start a war with Iraq? A more impeachable offense than fooling around with an intern? Hey, who cares - we're goin' to Mars!
I give up, I just give up . . ..

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