Friday, January 16, 2004

Politics 2004

Meanwhile, in the world of politics . . .
The Iowa caucuses are tightening, with Kerry and Edwards seemingly gaining. Howard Dean is counting on additional help from Carol Moseley Braun supporters, which should gain him tens of votes!
Jim Lehrer's news show finally discussed Ron Suskind's book on Paul O'Neill's tenure in the Bush White House, and it was a spirited discussion involving Suskind himself and former Bush Budget Director Mitch Daniels, who, naturally defended the President. At no time, however, was the assertion that Bush had planned a pre-emptive war against Iraq long before the World Trade Center disaster happened even mentioned. This will not be an issue until the Democrats choose to make it so. Right now, however, they're just playing politics with each other. :-(
Politics should finally get lively tonight - the new season of Bill Maher's HBO show kicks off tonight! Go Bill! :-D
We'll see what happens . . ..

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