Friday, January 9, 2004

New Jersey Stands Up For Gay Rights

Meanwhile, New Jersey has just joined four other states in standing up for the basic human rights of homosexuals. The New Jersey State Senate has approved a bill that grants domestic partnership rights mostly given to spouses to gay and lesbian couples - and it also does the same for unmarried heterosexual couples aged 62 and over. Such rights include making emergency medical decisions, claiming each other as exemptions on state income tax filings, and the right to dependent health coverage plans. Finally, I can say something nice about my home state for a change! This is the right thing for New Jersey to do.
Governor McGreevey quickly promised to sign the bill into law. This comes after the Massachusetts state Supreme Judicial Court (redundantly named, isn't it?) re-affirmed the legality of that state's domestic partnership legislation. Both Massachusetts and New Jersey are proudly at the forefront of gay rights.
Now if they could only let Geico provide car insurance to their residents. :-D

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