Monday, December 15, 2003

Saddam Captured

"We got him!"
So Paul Bremer, the U.S. administrator in Iraq, announced yesterday after the capture of Saddam Hussein. Good job! The Army - the Fourth Infantry, to be exact - really came through. Now Iraqis can live a little more at ease the attacks on U.S. forces may abate a little, and we can breathe a little more easily. But only a little - on all three counts. The Iraqi dictator's capture isn't going to change things for the better overnight.
I don't know what this will do to the campaign for the Democratic party's presidential nomination - it might trip up antiwar candidate Howard Dean a bit - but it's important to remember that Saddam's capture doesn't make our domestic problems - the ones Bush is ignoring - go away. Bush wants us not to remember that, but given this jobless recovery, the health care crisis, and, for that matter, the fact that Osama bin Forgotten and many of his cronies are still on the loose, it's necessary for us to remember.

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