Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Vandalia Vendetta

Until this past Saturday, Vandalia. Ohio was best known, if known at all, as a suburb of Dayton and the location of the junction between Interstates 70 and 75.  

Now it will be forever known as the town where Donald Trump, in a rally there, laid out his doctrine for a reign of brutality not only in the event that he wins back the White House but also in the event that he doesn't win the White House. 

In the Vandalia Doctrine, as I call it, Trump declared that there will be a bloodbath if he doesn't win, as that will mean the election was rigged against him and the Republicans and that elections will be rigged against the GOP ever after.

So, there will be bloodshed and violence from Election Day through the holidays all the way to Inauguration Day.  In other words, they guy who wants to make America great again will make America like Newark. 

Oh yeah, a few takeaways from the Vandalia rally:

Trump wants to impose a 100 percent tariff on imported automobiles. So that Golf GTI that now costs thirty thousand dollars will coast . . . sixty thousand dollars.  You think VWs are too expensive now . . . 

He also said that some migrants "are not people."  So, that means that some migrants are illegally transported pets?  What's wrong with bringing cats and dogs into this country, Trump?  Not that you'd ever adopt one . . .

Oh, and by the way, one of Trump's supporters standing behind him held up a sign that turned President Biden's surname into an acronym: "Biggest Idiot Democrat Ever Nominated."    All right, Democrats, here's your homework: Come up with an unflattering acronym of Trump's surname - "tRump" or calling Trump by his ancestral German name ("Drumpf") won't cut it.

And if Trump supporters are out for blood after Election Day, perhaps Americans should consider anew the Second Amendment right to self-defense.

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