Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Scariest People in the World

I saw as much of the Ketanji Brown Jackson Supreme Court confirmation hearings as I could take.  After a few minutes of it, it became apparent that the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee were doing what comes naturally too them - trying to railroad a black woman for being responsible for  all of the cultural and societal failings of the world by, including but not limited to, representing terrorists in court, going leniently on child-porn offenders, being soft on crime overall, and possibly buying Mary J. Blige records when she was in college. 

Many of these GOP senators, in addition to a couple of current and former governors and a former President, are hoping to run for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, and they used these confirmation  hearings to show the right-wing base just how much they hate black women too.   Among the senators expected to run, along with a current governor and the previous President, are:  

Tom Cotton
Ted Cruz
Ron DeSantis
Josh Hawley
Marco Rubio
Donald Trump

I didn't have to think long for a list that was just as scary as that. It was the VIP list at the 1934 Nuremberg rally, which reads as follows:

Hans Frank
Joseph Goebbels 
Hermann Göring
Rudolf Hess
Heinrich Himmler
Adolf Hitler

When people talk about fascism taking over America, this is what they mean. And if - when? - America's homegrown Nazis goose-step their way down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, being the smartest person on the Supreme Court won't help Justice-to-be Jackson much. 😨
My apologies to Joe Queenan for ripping off his joke comparing the Nuremberg Rally VIP list to the cast of St. Elmo's Fire

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