Monday, March 28, 2022

Meet Virginia

This is Virginia Lamp Thomas.  She's the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

She got into the news for communicating with Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on strategy for overturning Joe Biden's election to the Presidency and discussing ideas for exposing the Democrats as perpetrating the most criminal fraud in the history of American government and urging Meadows - who saw the "Stop the Steal" campaign as a fight of good versus evil - as a fight for liberty.  She's totally bought into wild conspiracy theories about the election. 

She was also pleased to share the news that Meadows was fighting like hell for Trump with her best friend . . . apparently, she meant her husband, who passes judgment on cases related to election challenges.

This could mean that Justice Thomas - who recently spent a week in the hospital with "flu-like symptoms" - could be influenced by his wife in ruling on cases instigated by Trump.  The House January 6 committee hopes to get answers from Mrs. Thomas, but she's not likely to testify.

Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine has all but pushed the January 6 investigation off the front pages and the airwaves.  Many people think this could hurt Trump, because he can't get attention, but it may in fact help him, because no one is reporting on the outrageously stupid things he says and people will be able to look at him anew if - when? - he runs for President again.  But when you have a guy like Trump who makes gaffes and isn't near a microphone to utter any gaffes, one must hope for a Trump supporter to make a gaffe on his behalf and accidently hurt him - and in this case, I'll be damned if it didn't turn out that way!  😃Thanks, Mrs. Thomas! 😉 

Clarence Thomas should reuse himself from future cases regarding election integrity.  He won't, of course.

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