Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Liz In 2024?

Could the first female President of the United States be a Republican?

Liz Cheney has been getting a large number of donations from leading Republican bigwigs who despise the GOP's biggest wig (or hair weave) of them all, Donald J. Trump.  Her steadfast defense of the rule of law and her tenacity on the January 6 House select committee have gotten noticed by Republicans who want to keep Wyoming's only House seat in their camp and not surrender it to a Trump supporter.  So they're sending Liz cash and checks faster than you can say "Lincoln Project."  If she survives the Wyoming Republican U.S. House primary - which in the Equality State is tantamount to winning the general election - she could become a (the?) front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination among anti-Trumpers in 2024.  This could make Cheney, not a Democrat, this country's first female President, as well as the first Wyoming resident and the first Generation Xer to win the White House.

In no way am I suggesting that I would be happy with a President Liz Cheney.  She's still her daddy's girl, which means she's still a right-winger.  And she voted with Trump 98 percent of the time between 2017 and 2021.  But she's also voted with the Constitution 100 percent of the time, and at a time when it looks like President Biden is damaged goods for 2024 and Cheney may be the best chance to stop a Trump restoration, that is more important.

If Biden ends up not running for re-election in 2024, though, I'd like to see Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar get the Democratic presidential nomination next time.  How about that? A Klobuchar-Cheney presidential contest? That's an election campaign I'd like to comment on.   

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