Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Foot Off the Gas

President Biden imposed a long-awaited ban on Russian oil imports to cut off an important source of revenue for Russian President Vladimir Putin to finance his invasion of Ukraine.  Biden had not only done this with bipartisan support but with majority support among the voting public . . . even though, even before the ban  on Russian oil imports, gas prices were already beginning to look like this!

I, for one, approve of President Biden's move, for two reasons.  First of all, it will cause even more economic hardship for Putin than it will for American consumers as he tries to keep his war machine going.
Second of all, it will finally get these goddamned mothertruckin' SUVs off the road! 
Yes! Yes! Revenge is mine!
Oh, yeah, don't expect your friendly neighborhood Lukoil gas station to be around for long.

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