Wednesday, March 2, 2022

COVID Confusion

I live in a county with low COVID hospitalizations.  So I shouldn't have to wear a face covering.

But the contagion rate in my county, despite rapidly declining Omicron cases, is still high.

Wait," I thought, "that doesn't make sense!" 

It turns out that nothing makes sense.  So many face-covering mandates are coming down, but 70 percent of the country is still in a state of high contagion, which means I'm not sure if I should go into an indoor public space without an "FC" now, or even later.  As to whether or not we're nearing the end of the pandemic, experts say that it's "complicated."

Don't count on anyone in the media offering an explanation.  Everyone is busy reporting on Ukraine and on Ukraine only.

And even if Ukraine weren't under siege, Dr. Rochelle Walensky would still be no big help.

Oh yeah, it turns out that the Capitol lifted its face-covering mandate just before President Biden's State of the Union address last night, so practically  no one wore a face covering at the speech.  How nice . . . 

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