Saturday, March 5, 2022

A Nuclear Error

It's become obvious that Vladimir Putin will stop at nothing to make Ukraine submit to his will, even if it means making the entire country glow in the dark.

This is the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, the largest one in the country and the largest such plant in all of Europe (and that's counting the one in Armenia, assuming you think of Armenia as a European rather than an Asian country).  The plan generates 20 percent of all the electricity generated in Ukraine and half of Ukraine's nuclear power.  Built in 1980 when Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union, the plant came under fire the other day from Russian forces and radiation allegedly leaked out.  We were spared another Chernobyl - that's also in Ukraine - when radiation levels proved to be normal, but it seems that Putin was ready to blow up the plant if he had to deny Ukrainians vital power.  Now the Zaporizhzhia plant is being operated by Ukrainian plant managers with Russian guns pointed at their heads.

And who know what Putin will do next with it.  He's certainly not going to let it keep operating unless he can personally benefit from it.

Quit holding out and draw another breath . . .. 😱

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