Monday, February 28, 2022

And The War Goes On . . . And Michael Moore Goes On and On . . .

The Russian military has been attempting to overpower Ukraine with its massive forces ,but the Ukrainian army is fighting back and the Ukrainian people - including a former Ukrainian president - are helping them, making Molotov cocktails (invented by the Finns during Finland's 1939-40 war against the Soviet Union, for Stalin's foreign minister) to throw at the Russian invaders, and also getting out their guns.

And Vladimir Putin is losing his grip on reality - and on Republicans.  He's put nuclear arsenal commanders no high alert, and as more Republicans stand against Putin, more Republicans , according to the polls, are beginning to turn away from Putin and his puppet - Donald J. Trump - as most Americans and people all over the world stand with Ukraine.  

So you're probably wondering what noted liberal gadfly Michael Moore thinks of all this.

No, of course not, but he does have an opinion about the war.  Here's what he said on Facebook: 
"Of course Russia should be upset if we made Ukraine part of NATO. Like how we'd react if the Soviet Union had made Mexico or Canada a member of the Warsaw Pact. Or if Russia had tried to put nuclear missiles in Cuba. We wouldn't stand for that!"
He's not being facetious - well, he is, in a way.  He's actually saying that Ukraine should not join NATO - even though Ukraine wants to join - and he says he doesn't want U.S. troops anywhere outside the United States, even though someone has to guard against possible Russian invasion of, say, the Baltic States, which can hardly defend themselves against the Russians alone.  They tried doing that in 1940 and look what happened.  (Oh yeah, Moore once dismissed the people of all three Baltic countries as "Nazi collaborators.") 
Moore went on, urging Putin to stop the fighting in the second person: "Your people made the greatest sacrifice in World War II - 27 million dead. We couldn't have defeated Hitler without you. We in this country have never sufficiently acknowledged your suffering and your loss. And then thank God for the brilliant Gorbachev who ended the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation between us. I prefer today to think of all the good Russia has done for the world."
Yes, the Soviets - Ukrainians and Belarusians as well as Russians - made a great sacrifice.  We couldn't have defeated Hitler without the Soviets, who had in fact signed an agreement with the Germans to divide eastern Europe between them before Hitler broke the pact and invaded the Soviet Union.  But Gorbachev didn't end the Cold War - Pope John Paul II did. As for the good Russia has done for the world lately . . .  what, the Bolshoi Ballet?  Ask the Finns and the Baltic peoples about all the good Russia has done for the world.  Ask the Poles, or the Czechs.  Ask the people of Karelia, an ethnic enclave in Russia next to Finland, if there are any left.
So what's Moore's advice for Putin? "Get some mental help . . .. You are no longer in the KGB. Take off your shirt, go sit in the sauna, then go ride your horse. Ukraine is not joining NATO."
Oh honey, I think Michael Moore has finally flipped out.  I thought he'd flipped out when he called Madonna a serious musical artist, but this takes the cake.
It's long since become obvious that Moore is just another so-called progressive who thinks that society must always be in a state of upheaval.  I get the impression that he really doesn't want us to have the nice things we can't have and Europeans do have because, if we ever actually get them, he's out of business.  Maybe that's not true, but that's the impression.  It seems that he doesn't want to bitch about what's wrong with America and offer solutions to fix what's wrong, he just wants to bitch.
Well, I'm not going to help him bitch for the sake of bitching.  As of today, the link to his Web site that had been on my blog for so long is gone.  
Sorry, Mike.  You've outstayed your welcome. 

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