Today is Sunday, and it's the holiday season, and so much is going on . . . so I'm not going to say too much today. I just want to call attention to the unprecedented clusters of tornadoes that ran through the middle of the country in the past couple of days.
Storms like this aren't supposed to happen in December, and even if tornadoes of this nature are more common at Easter time than Christmas time, tornadoes aren't normally known for traversing as much territory as this one did. It should drive the point home that climate change is real. And though hurricanes and tropical storms mostly stayed away from my region this year, the remnants of Ida were so bad that if the remnants - the remnants! - could do as much damage in New Jersey as they did, you only need to look at Louisiana to see how what the actual storm was like!
Oh yeah, about a month ago, New Jersey had a cold front that was more potent than the one the blew through last night, and it generated some pretty intense weather for the fall season. We keep getting warned by Mother Nature herself that climate change is real, and yet not enough people seem to be ready to do anything about it.
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