Monday, October 5, 2020

The Continuing Story of COVID Donald

I wish Trump would just get into bed, take a few pills, get his treatments, and as Samuel L. Jackson might say, stay the f**k in the hospital!

Trump went on a joyride in a sport utility vehicle through the streets of Bethesda, Maryland outside Walter Reed Medical Center to wave to supporters who showed up to give him, well, support.  It was a stupid photo opportunity, an effort by Trump to show how devoted to his base he is even as he's convalescing with COVID-19.  He endangered a lot of Secret Service agents and even a few fellow patients at Walter Reed just to take his joyride.  It's yet another ploy to divert attention from his problems with the Presidency and the polls, but it might not work this time, considering how many Republicans (including former New jersey governor Chris Christie) caught COVID-19 from the Amy Coney Barrett introduction event at the White House that Trump hosted - no face coverings, no social distancing - as part of an effort to will the pandemic away.  Meanwhile, every time I go outside, I an constantly dodging people everywhere I go, whether I'm wearing my mask or not.
Also, it turns out that Joe Biden isn't free as a bird after all; he has to continue to be tested daily for the next several days because he was in an indoor space with Trump for the debate last week.  So far, so good.   The Biden campaign taken down his attack ads against Trump out of respect for the Donald's illness; the Trump campaign has responded by doubling down on the attack ads against Biden.  But the candidate is likely to have plenty to say about all that and the presidential campaign in an MSNBC town hall tonight.
I can't wait for this campaign to be over, and I hope Biden wins, and then I hope to return my full attention to a cause near and dear to my heart . . . bringing the base eighth-generation Volkswagen Golf to the United States.
Maybe a Biden administration's return to sane fuel economy standards will help my cause.  

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