Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Forget 2021

While it's already been said quietly and out loud, it's pretty much a done deal.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who knows more abut COVID-19 than anyone else, says that the country and the planet won't return to the status quo ante that existed before the pandemic until December.

Next December.

The vaccine should be ready by this December at the earliest, or some time in early 2021, but it will take months before it's widely available to enough people to stop it and tame it like the flu.  By the end of 2021, of course, many people will not survive it, and many businesses and cultural institutions will be gone forever as well.

So, whether Trump or Biden wins, we still have some difficult days, weeks, and months ahead. And to those of you who were hoping that 2021 would be better . . .

Eat your reality sandwich!    

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