Saturday, September 26, 2020

Coup d'Etat

I wish I could say this post is about another country, but it's about the United States.
Donald Trump has a new scheme to get himself elected to a second term, after which he hopes to have his term extended to twelve years.  He is so convinced that mail-in voting in any state not controlled by Ron DeSantis is so corrupt and such a scam that he plans to contest the results in swing states where the vote is close if these states go for Joe Biden.  Trump could have stopped there, but he also says that in states where Republicans control the legislatures - and there are still plenty of them, despite Martin O'Malley's Win Back Your State PAC's efforts in 2018 - those legislatures could easily appoint electors to vote for him in December despite Biden victories in the popular vote in those states.

So that explains it . . . that's why he wants Justice Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat filled with a far-right replacement - the name of which he announces today, and I'll get to that later - because he wants a reliable reactionary majority in the High Court to rule in his favor if he challenges a Joe Biden victory.

Trump never really wanted to be President until he actually and unexpectedly won the 2016 election.  The whole Trump campaign that year was about building his brand and nothing more.  But, like a tiger who tastes flesh for the first time, Trump never went back once he got and acquired a taste for power.  He is now refusing to concede the 2020 election under any circumstances, which would deny us a tradition we've had in These States since 1797 - the peaceful transition of power from one President to another.  

And it's about the only thing we've ever done peacefully in this country.  Another thing we can't do peacefully is investigate reports of a narcotics violation in an apartment and guarantee the safety and security of its occupant.

I just referred to Breonna Taylor by her name.  Like I should.

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